Genus Enterprises

Software Resume

Missing details for the last 5 years while "hobby retired".


2022 - Present upgrading HlyGrail, MyCryptoPatent, and blockchain gaming software. Developing marketing websites with integration to eBook technology.

2018 Developed for protecting intellectual property via blockchain technology.

2015 Designed and developed several e-commerce sites integrated with blockchain technology and bitcoin.

1995 - Present Developing a virtual reality game engine in Java3D. Maintain and program internet sites for several companies. Developed MySecrets security software. CEO of Inter-Net-Working, Inc. and Currently writing software for several e-boxes, e-books and multimedia material.

2016 Designed and developed the Equity Distribution Formula for Circulating Currency and the PPEC. Developed the Mobile marketing software to integrate the marketing systems.

2015 -2016 Developed HlyGrail the ORIGINAL REAL Patented NFT. Most developers, users and hosting of NFTs are in violation of the HlyGrail license agreement which requires a license to conduct commercial business using the technology.

2014 Designed and Developed the Donation Distribution Formula and provided to weShare Crowdfunding under License.

2012 - 2015 Developed eBook and marketing software for Nyloxin, I2G, Valentus and weShare Crowdfunding.

2001 - 2002 Developed 3D engine for Java 3D that is currently used by SUN to beta test their Java and Java3D language.

2000 - 2001 Developed MLM software for TruSave in Paradox. Developed a revolutionary compensation program for MLM in Paradox.

1999 - 2000 Developed check writing software in Delphi. Developed dynHelp™ software in Delphi that can be used as help or advertising software.

1998 - 1999 Developed tracking and projection algorithms for two MLM companies using Paradox and Excel.

1997 - 1998 Developed Internet web pages and Windows 95 sales programs. Developed software for genealogy recursive compensation plans for several companies.

1995 - 1996 Distributor for ICC, ATF, One World Communications, Web Wise Network and Ultimate Solutions. Wrote the marketing plan for Web Wise Network, modified the marketing plan for Ultimate Solutions, and software consulted for all the above companies and a few others.

1990 - 1994 Senior software engineer for Optima Industries. Developed the entire control system for a multi spindle drilling machine including, arm motion, drill motion, drill changers, drill pattern database and calibration software all in TDS using Transputers.

1989 - 1990 Developed and wrote the software for Fiberline National and Contacts Express (AT&T) and brought 1-800 voice mail to the marketplace.

1985 - 1988 Integrated the US Navy Pacific Internet. Taught college electronics and software for Texas College in the Philippines to US dependents and military. In charge of the MIS department for Subic Bay Philippines.

1982 - 1985 In charge of the testing and development of US Navy weapons systems software at Integrated Combat Systems Test Facility.

1980 - 1982 Developed several control systems and software that are used today for guidance systems. Designed the computer hardware and software for Cambridge Technology. Key programmer developing CPM for Digital Research which was directly converted to the original DOS and the rest is history.

1975 - 1980 In charge of military missile systems and software.

1969 - 1970 Developed the first radio alarm system for the Navy and N&D Security.